Ballpark's Standard recruitment panel gives you close to 250 attributes to use for filtering participants to take your survey or test. We also have two enhanced options available with less filtering attributes, instead they offer screener-focused targeding.
Here's a long list of what is available with the Standard recruitment panel:
Filter | Question |
Date Of Birth | What is your date of birth? |
Technology use at work | Please think about a specific technology (e.g., software) that you are required to use at work. How often do you use it? |
First Language | What is your first language? |
Handedness | Are you left or right-handed? |
Current Country of Residence | In what country do you currently reside? |
Number of subordinates | At work, how many people do you have the authority to give instructions to? i.e. How many subordinates do you have? |
UK area of birth | Where in the UK were you born? |
Personal Income (GBP) | What is your personal income per year (after tax) in GBP? |
Country of Birth | What is your country of birth? |
U.S state/territory of birth | What US state were you born in? |
Charitable Giving | How much, if anything, did you donate to charity in the last 12 months? |
Current UK area of residence | What UK area do you currently live in? |
Vision | Do you have normal or corrected-to-normal vision? |
Literacy Difficulties | Have you been diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or ADHD, or aware of having any related literacy difficulties? |
Leadership/Position of power/Supervisory duties | At work, do you have any supervisory responsibilities? In other words, do you have the authority to give instructions to subordinates? |
Chronic Disease | Have you been diagnosed with any chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke etc.? |
Household Size | Including you, how many people live in your household? |
Religious Affiliation | What is your religious affiliation? |
Children | Do you have any children? |
Pain Question | Throughout our lives, most of us have had pain from time to time (such as minor headaches, sprains and toothaches). Have you had pain other than these everyday kinds of pain? |
Deception | Would you be happy to take part in a study where you are intentionally given inaccurate information about other participants and the study? You would be debriefed after the study. |
Investment | Have you ever made investments (either personal or through your employment) in the common stock or shares of a company? |
Political Affiliation (UK) | Where do you sit on the political spectrum? |
Student Status | Are you a student? |
Supervisor | Do you have a direct supervisor at work? |
Record Video | Would you be willing to record yourself via a webcam as part of a study? |
Do you own or lease a car? | Do you own a car? |
Units of alcohol | How many units of alcohol do you drink on average per week? |
Employer Type | Please describe your work. |
Video Games | How many hours per week do you play video games on average? |
Socioeconomic Status | Where would you put yourself on the socioeconomic ladder? |
Windfarms | To what extent would you be in favour of or opposed to the building of a new wind farm near where you live? |
Nationality | What is your nationality? |
Current U.S state of residence | What US state do you currently live in? |
Nationality (UK) | What is your nationality? (UK only) |
Industry Role | Which of the following best describes your role at work? |
Diet | Do you currently follow any of the following diets? |
Number of children | How many children do you have (adopted or biological)? |
Ethnicity | Please indicate your ethnicity (i.e. peoples’ ethnicity describes their feeling of belonging and attachment to a distinct group of a larger population that shares their ancestry, colour, language or religion)? |
Past Diet | Have you ever gone on a diet in the past? |
Household Income (GBP) | What is your total household income per year, including all earners in your household (after tax) in GBP? |
Living with biological child | Are you currently living with your biological child? |
Year of birth of first child | In what year was your first (eldest) child born (adopted or biological)? |
Mono/multi cultural | Do you identify yourself as a monocultural or multicultural individual? |
Medication use | Are you currently taking any medication to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety or low-mood (e.g. SSRIs)? |
Ethnicity (Simplified) | What ethnic group do you belong to? |
Mental health/illness/condition - ongoing | Do you have – or have you had – a diagnosed, on-going mental health/illness/condition? |
Meditation | Do you meditate? |
Internet pornography | Have you viewed Internet pornography within the last 6 months? |
Alcohol therapy | Have you previously been in individual therapy for alcohol use? |
Android OS version | Which version of Android does your primary mobile phone have? |
Long-term health condition/disability | Would you describe yourself as having a long-term health condition or a disability? |
Confidentiality agreement | Would you be willing to agree to a confidentiality agreement as part of a study? |
Phone Operating System | What operating system (OS) does your primary mobile phone have? |
Living abroad | Have you ever lived for an extended period (6months or longer) in a country other than the one where you are currently living? |
Vaccine Opinions 2 | On a scale from 1-7, please rate to what extent you agree with the following statement: I believe that scheduled immunizations are safe for children. |
Pregnancy | Are you currently pregnant? |
Head Injury: Knock out history | Have you ever had an injury to the head that's caused you to be knocked out for a period of time (E.g. from a fall, blow to the head, road traffic accident)? |
Informal/unpaid caring responsibilites | I have extra responsibilities looking after a friend or member of my family due to a long-term physical or mental ill health or disability, or problem related to old age? |
Body Mass Index | What is your BMI (Body Mass Index)? |
Online Shopping Frequency | How often (on average) do you shop online? |
Number of Siblings | How many siblings do you have? |
Employee interactions | Does your work require you to regularly interact with other employees (e.g. co-workers, colleagues, subordinates, assistants)? |
Living with biological child's parent | Are you currently living with your child's other biological parent? |
Weekly Exercise | How often do you engage in physical exercise per week? |
Romantic Relationship | What is the length of your current romantic relationship? |
Colleague | Do you have a colleague whom you spend most of your time at work with? |
Customer facing | Are you employed in a customer facing\ front line employee role such as retail or banking? |
Webcam | Do you have webcam or built-in camera that you are willing to use as part of a study? |
Respiratory disease | Do you suffer from any respiratory diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? |
Startup | Have you ever considered a career move as a (paid) employee in a startup? |
Hearing difficulties | Do you have any hearing loss or hearing difficulties? |
ProLife/ProChoice | When it comes to others having the right to terminate their pregnancy, are you Pro Life or Pro Choice? |
Lost weight recently | Have you lost weight in the last six months? |
US Presidential election | Have you voted in a US Presidential election before? |
Charity Affiliation | Are you affiliated with a charity organization? This could mean working for a charity organization or working for an organization that works with a charity. |
Siblings | Do you have any siblings? |
Crime victim | I have never been a victim of crime. |
Trips Abroad | When was the last time you travelled abroad? |
Luxury Goods | Do you own more than two fashion items that cost over £200? |
Entrepreneurship | Have you engaged in entrepreneurship/run your own business? |
NHS Mental Health Support | Have you tried to access mental health support on the NHS in the last 12 months? |
English speaking Monolingual | Are you an English-speaking monolingual, that is, are you fluent only in English? Or are you also fluent in any other language(s) |
Car usage | Do you use a car at least once a month? |
iPhone model | Which model of iPhone do you own? |
Working hours | What type of hours do you work? |
English Premier League Fan | Are you a fan of an English Premier League football team? |
Management experience | Do you have any experience being in a management position? |
Sex | What sex were you assigned at birth, such as on an original birth certificate? |
Never smoked | Which of the following best describes your smoking status? |
Household spending decisions | Do you make most of the spending decisions in your household or have enough information to answer questions about what they are? |
Dating apps | Have you used any smartphone enabled dating apps? |
Sexual partner | Have you had a sexual partner in the past year? |
Undergraduate year of study | What is your current undergraduate year of study? |
Moved with partner | Did you move to a new country or city with your romantic partner in the past 12 months? |
Mild cognitive impairment/Dementia | Have you ever been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or dementia? |
Quit smoking | When was the last time you tried to quit smoking, if at all? |
Online shopping | How frequently (on average) do you purchase cheese, chocolate, and tea as part of your online shopping (though not necessarily in the same shop)? |
U.S. Political Affiliation | In general, what is your political affiliation? |
Non-Religious | Which of the following do you most identify as? |
Negotiation Experience | Do you have experience of negotiation in the course of your work? |
Corrected vision | I currently use glasses or contact lenses to correct my vision |
Smoking status | What is your current smoking status? Please select from the following options: |
Workgroups | Do you work as part of a workgroup within your organisation? |
Teacher | You indicated that you worked in the education industry. Does your job involve teaching? |
Concern about environmental issues | Generally speaking, how concerned are you about environmental issues? |
Commute/travel to work | How do you typically commute/travel to work? |
2016 US presidential election | Who did you vote for in the 2016 US presidential election? |
Type of work | Which category best describes the type of work you do? |
Pain - duration | You've previously responded 'Yes' to the question about chronic pain. For how long have you experienced this pain? |
Living with family | Please indicate the number of people living in your household (excluding yourself) that you consider to be members of your family. |
Employment Sector within Business Management and Administration | Which of the following best describes the sector you primarily work in within "Business Management & Administration"? |
Groceries online | How often (on average) do you purchase your groceries online? |
Primary Grocery Shopper | Are you the main (or shared) grocery shopper for the food that your household eats? |
Industry | Which of the following categories best describes the industry you primarily work in (regardless of your actual position)? |
Weekly device usage | In a typical week, I focus on a device with a screen (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop) for an hour or more at a time |
Clothing online | How often (on average) do you purchase clothing online? |
Number of romantic partners | How many romantic partners have you had? These can be short-term (casual, one night stands, friends with benefits etc.), or long-term (committed relationships). |
Autism Spectrum Disorder | Have you received a formal clinical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, made by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other qualified medical specialist? This includes Asperger’s syndrome, Autism Disorder, High Functioning Autism or Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
Political Party Affiliation UK | Which of the following political parties do you most identify with? |
Evaluating a company's stock as a potential investment | When evaluating a company's stock as a potential investment, how often do you examine a company's financial statements (for example, through its annual report or SEC filings) as part of your evaluation? |
Immigration | Were you born in the country you are currently living in? |
Romantic Relationship 2 | Which of these best describes your romantic relationship: |
Children and technology | Do your children have regular access to any of the following devices: IPad, Android tablet, smartphone? |
Employment-Sector | Which of the following best describes the sector you primarily work in? |
Work week in hours | Please try to estimate: How many hours do you work per week? |
Employment Status | What is your employment status ? |
Participation in regular religious activities | Do you participate in regular religious activities? |
Climate Change | Do you believe in climate change? |
Christianity Affiliation (New) | What is your Christianity affiliation (e.g. denomination)? |
Postcode of work (UK) | In which postcode do you spend most of your time Mon-Fri during working hours? |
Postcode of residence (UK) | In which postcode do you live? |
Property Type | What type of property do you live in? |
Were you raised monolingual? | Were you raised monolingual? |
Remote/office work | Where do you primarily work? |
Mental illness daily impact | Do you have any diagnosed mental health condition that is uncontrolled (by medication or intervention) and which has a significant impact on your daily life / activities? |
Gender identity | How do you describe yourself? |
Casual contact with an older person | Are you voluntarily in casual contact with an older person who needs practical help or emotional support sometimes? |
Smoking frequency | How often do you smoke tobacco products? |
Vaping status | What is your current vaping status? Please select from the following options: |
UK general election 2017 | For which party did you vote for in the UK general election 2017 ? |
Crispin-Buxley phenomenon | Are you familiar with the Crispin-Buxley phenomenon? |
Antidepressants | Please select the type/name of drug you are currently taking |
Computer Programming | Do you have computer programming skills? |
BREXIT | In the referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the EU (BREXIT),how did you vote? (June 23 2016) |
Sexual Orientation | What is your sexual orientation? |
Bilingual | Apart from your native language, do you speak any other languages fluently? |
Body Weight | Thinking about your body weight which of the following would you say you are? |
Household Income (USD) [US participants only] | What is your total household income per year, including all earners in your household (after tax) in USD? |
Political Spectrum (US) | Where would you place yourself along the political spectrum? |
Experience with musical instruments | Do you play a musical instument, if so for how many years? |
Organizational tenure | How long have you worked for your current organization? |
Pregnancy (partners) | Are you or your partner currently pregnant? |
Hiring experience | Do you have any experience in making hiring decisions (i.e. have you been responsible for hiring job candidates)? |
Restricted food intake | Do you currently for at least one week restrict your food intake in any way, with the goal to manage your weight? |
Prison | Have you ever been in prison for committing a crime? (Answers will only be available to the researchers in an anonymised way) |
Diabetes type | Which type of Diabetes have you been diagnosed with? |
Smoking: Tobacco or e-cigarettes | Do you regularly use electronic cigarettes and/or tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes, cigars)? |
Driving licence | Do you have a driving license? |
Employment Sector within Medicine/Healthcare | Which of the following sectors within Medicine/Healthcare best describes your role? |
Head Injury | Have you ever had an injury to the head that's caused you to be knocked out and/or dazed and confused for a period of time? |
Month of birth of youngest child | In what month was your youngest child born (adopted or biological)? |
Computer operating system | Which operating system does your primary personal computer run? |
Jury duty | Have you ever served on a jury? |
Living with spouse/partner | Do you live with a spouse or romantic partner? |
Safety procedures at work | To what extent do your job tasks involve the use safety procedures? |
Tweeting Frequency | How many times did you tweet on Twitter in the last 12 months (excluding retweets)? |
Job Seeking | Which of the following best describes you? |
Year of birth of youngest child | In what year was your youngest child born (adopted or biological)? |
Multiple sclerosis | Have you ever been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)? |
Current education level | Which level of education are you currently in? |
UK General Election 2019 | For which political party did you vote for in the 2019 UK General Election |
Property Ownership | Do you own the property that you live in? |
Highest education level completed | Which of these is the highest level of education you have completed? |
Relationship/Marital status | What is your relationship / marital status? |
Your role in the planning process for leisure travel | Which of the following best describes your role in the planning process for leisure travel you take? |
COVID-19 Employment Status | How has your employment status been affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic? |
COVID-19 Working From Home | During the COVID-19 pandemic, are you working from home? |
COVID-19 Symptoms | Please describe your experience with the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus): |
VR headset (frequency) | In a given month, how frequently do you use a VR headset? |
VR headset (ownership) | Do you own a VR (Virtual Reality) headset? |
2020 US presidential election | Who did you vote for in the 2020 US presidential election? |
COVID-19 Vaccine Opinions | Please describe your attitudes towards the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) vaccines: |
COVID-19 Vaccination | Have you received a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination? |
Company type | What type of company do you work for? |
Years lived in current country of residence | How many years have you lived in your current country of residence? |
Cochlear implant | Do you have a cochlear implant? |
Gender | What gender are you currently? We will ask about your sex later. |
Cisgender and Transgender | Does your current gender differ from the one you were assigned at birth? |
Cryptocurrency | Do you own/hold any cryptocurrencies? |
Cell Phone Service [US participants only] | Which cell phone carrier do you use? |
Mobile Phone Service [UK participants only] | Which mobile phone carrier service do you use? |
Home Internet Provider U.K | Who is your home internet (wi-fi) provider? |
Home Internet Provider U.S. | Who is your home internet (wi-fi/broadband) provider? |
Colourblindness | Do you experience colourblindness? |
Boycotting | Have you ever boycotted a product or service as a form of protest? |
Neurodiversity | Do you consider yourself to be neurodivergent? |
Team/Individual Sport | How do you participate in sport? |
Retirement Plan | Do you have a retirement plan? |
Record Audio | Would you be willing to record your voice as part of a study? |
Household bill paying | Are you solely or jointly financially responsible for paying the household/utility bills in your home? |
LGBTQ+ | Do you identify yourself as part of the LGBTQ+ community? |
EV Charging | Do you own an electric vehicle charger or charging point? |
Military veteran | Are you a military services veteran? |
Depression | Do you experience depression? |
Anxiety | Do you experience anxiety? |
ADD/ADHD | Do you consider yourself to have attention deficit disorder (ADD)/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? |
Place of most time spent before turning 18 | Where did you spend most of your time before turning 18? |
Further educational study | Are you considering one of the following further study options? |
Interest in studying abroad | Have you considered pursuing education in a different country? |
Business Role | Are you employed in any of the following roles? |
COVID-19 Vaccination History | Including boosters, how many COVID-19 vaccinations have you received? |
Highest level of education completed by parents | Which of these is the highest level of education completed by either of your parents? |
Universal Credit | Are you a recipient of Universal Credit? |
Company size | How many employees does the company you work for have? |
Blood type | What is your blood type? |
Telemedicine | Have you ever consulted with a healthcare provider using telemedicine? |
What is your favourite type of cheese? | What is your favourite type of cheese? |
Social media influencers | What is the maximum number of followers that you have on any of your social media account? |
General information about your firm | Would you be willing to provide, on behalf of your firm, general information on: employment and sales growth, innovation, strategy, strategic orientations, and internationalization (if applicable)? |
Time at home | Do you voluntarily spend most of your time at home? |
Hobbies - Categories | Which of the following categories of hobbies are you strongly interested in? Please choose up to THREE (3) categories – the ones you're most interested in: |
Internet enabled products | Below, you find a list of popular internet connected products. For each product, please select whether you currently own it |
Knowledge of software development techniques | Which of the following software development techniques are you proficient in? |
Crime incidents | The crime (or crimes) that happened to me included the following elements |
Chronic condition/illness | Do you have – or have you had – any condition, injury, or chronic illness? |
Coronary artery disease | Have you ever been diagnosed with coronary artery disease (or ischemic heart disease, or angina) by a medical doctor? |
Other crowdsourcing platforms select | What other crowdsourcing platforms are you part of? |
Knowledge of programming languages | Which of the following programming languages are you proficient in? |
Types of investment | Have you invested in any of the following types of investment in the past? |
Ridesharing services | Have you used any of the following ridesharing services? |
Chat/Messaging apps | Which of the following chat apps do you use regularly? |
Watching Sports | Which of the following sports do you watch regularly |
Consumer review websites | On which of the following consumer review websites do you have a personal user account? |
Fluent languages | Which of the following languages are you fluent in? |
Authors | Have you ever read any books written by the following authors? Please select all that apply: |
Meditation forms | Which of the following forms of meditation do you practice? |
Health Insurance (US) | What type of health insurance do you have? (Check all that apply) |
Alcohol types | Which of the following types of alcohol do you tend to purchase/drink on a regular basis? |
Past Employment Sectors | Which of the following sectors you have past work experience in? |
Team Sports | Are you currently an active and playing team member in any of the following sports? |
Pets | Do you currently own any of the following as a pet? |
Online gambling games | What types of online gambling / casino games have you played? Choose all that apply. |
Heart Issues | Have you ever been diagnosed with heart failure by a medical doctor? [Select all that apply] |
Soft drink types | Which of the following types of soft drink do you tend to purchase/drink on a regular basis? |
Language related disorders | Do you have any language related disorders? |
Free From Products | Do you purchase any of the following ‘free from’ products? |
High School/College/University Sports | Please select which, if any, of the following team sports you played in high school and/or college/university level as part of competitive (non-recreational) league. Please select up to three: |
Credit cards | Which of these credit cards do you own? |
Enterprise social media | Which of the following enterprise social media do you use within your workplace? |
Experiences at Work | Which of the following have you experienced or are experiencing at work? Please select all that apply. |
Devices with screens | In a typical week, the devices that I use on a near daily basis are: (Check all that apply) |
High street fashion retailers | Which of the following high street fashion retailers are you a consumer of? |
Social-Media | Which of the following social media sites do you use on a regular basis (at least once a month)? Choose any that apply. |
Tea brands | Which brand of tea do you use or have you used most recently? |
Fashion brand purchases | Please specify which of the following brands you are a consumer of? |
Five Statements | Which of the following statements do you believe to be true? Please select all that apply. |
Long-term health condition or disability | What kind of long-term health condition or disability do you have? Select all that apply. |
TV/Netflix Series | Which of the following television/Netflix series have you viewed? Please tick as many as is appropriate: |
Game types | Which of the following types of games are you interested in playing at least occasionally? Please select all that apply: |
Sites/Apps for travel booking | Which of the following sites/apps do you typically use to plan or book your leisure travel? |
Overnight trips | Thinking about the last few overnight leisure trips you've taken, which of the following have you done? |
Simulated Experiences | Have you engaged in any of the following simulated experiences before? Choose all that apply: |
Video game types | Which kinds of video games do you play on a regular basis? |
Subject | What subject do you study? |
Gender identity non-binary only | Select the gender(s) or gender identities that currently apply to you |
Diet Restriction | Do you have any dietary restrictions? |
Car Brand | What brand of car do you own? |
Music Streaming Services | What music streaming services do you use regularly? |
Gender Identity of Romantic Partners | What is the gender identity of your current romantic partner? |
Household electric vehicle ownership or leasing | Do you or anyone in your household own or lease an electric vehicle? |
TV Streaming Services | Which of these TV streaming services do you use? |
Cryptocurrency Exchanges | Which of these cryptocurrency exchanges do you use? |
Food Delivery Services UK | Which of these food delivery services do you use? |
Food Delivery Services U.S. | Which of these food delivery services do you use? [U.S.] |
Video call interview | Are you willing to participate in a face to face video call interview? |
Trading Platforms | Which trading platforms do you use? |
Airlines | Which of the following airlines have you flown with? |
Camera usage | Which of these camera types have you used? |
Primary Language | Which of the following is your primary spoken language? |
Earliest Language in Life | What language(s) did you speak earliest in life? |
Decision-making responsibilities | What decision-making responsibilities do you have at work? |
Assistive Technology | Which of the below assistive technologies do you use when using computers and/or other devices? |
NFT experience | Do you own or create NFTs? |
Cloud storage solutions | Which of the following cloud storage solutions do you use? |
Type of musical instrument(s) | What musical instrument(s) do you play? |
Studying abroad | What countries have you previously studied in? |
Employment in UK Services | Do you work for any of the following services? |
Alcohol preferences | Which of the following types of alcohol do you purchase regularly? |
Active subscriptions | Do you have active subscriptions for any of the following categories? |