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Reporting responses
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You are able to report any response that you receive in Ballpark. This will remove them from your project and if they're from a Ballpark recruitment study, you'll receive either a replacement response or a credit refund. This depends based on the study's status:

  • Replacement response: If the study is active or has completed within the last 5 days

  • Credit refund: If the study is cancelled or was completed more than 5 days ago

Reasons for reporting a response:

There are 9 different reasons for reporting a response and you are able to select all that apply.

You can report a response if the participant had:

  • Audio problems

  • Video responses

  • Shared the incorrect screen

  • Screenshare problems

  • Answers too short

  • Poor quality answers

  • Duplicate participant

  • Didn't match the demographic requirements

  • Other reason (100 character description required)

How to report from the individual response page

  1. Open the response you would like to report

  2. On the left-hand sidebar > Press Report

  3. From the drop-down menu > Select up to 9 reasons for reporting the response

  4. You can also add an optional comment to explain why the response has been cancelled, you are required to add a minimum 100 character comment select Other reason is selected

  5. Select Submit report

How to report from the response data table

  1. Find the response you would like to report on the table

  2. In the Actions column at the left of the row > Press the down arrow next to the View button

  3. From the drop-down menu > Select up to 9 reasons for reporting the response

  4. You can also add an optional comment to explain why the response has been cancelled, you are required to add a minimum 100 character comment select Other reason is selected

  5. Select Submit report

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