Backup Policy
Updated over a week ago

Ballpark's Backups Policy covers everything relating to customer data within the Ballpark system environment. Ballpark systems include and are not necessarily limited to servers, data storage systems and networking infrastructure.

Our policy is designed to protect customer data and files to ensure it is not lost and can be recovered in the event of an equipment failure, or a disaster.


Ballpark utilizes a 3-2-1 backup policy. This ensures that data is backed up to at least 3 different storage locations. Each of these solutions assumes the original storage location. In which case Ballpark's live production systems store both user, project and content metadata in a cloud MySQL instance. File content for design information are stored on cloud storage instances.

Further backups for database and content are stored both incrementally and as full backups in alternate locations.


Data restoration tests are conducted on a monthly basis for both archived database information and content storage systems.These are conducted as tests for all three backup solutions.

Data deletion

Ballpark regularly deletes archived and backed up data on a 3 monthly basis. Deletion of data before this time period can be conducted on request by the customer.

Additional Information

Further detailed information can be found in Ballpark's full Backup Policy.

Revision History

Author: Kelsey Traher, COO

Date of change: May 2022

Summary of changes: Reviewed for accuracy and completeness

Author: Brendan Moore, CTO

Date of change: Oct 2019

Summary of changes: Updated backup policies to reflect shift to Google Cloud backup facilities rather than AWS

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